Bite Berlin | Berlin Food Tour

Berlin Food Tour from Bite Berlin

What are the best things about traveling?

For me, it is, without doubt, the insatiable quest to eat, drink and discover. Food and learning about new places, their culture, their past, helps create not only a great trip but gives you something to take away with you, to enrich your life back home.

So let me introduce you to the relatively new phenomena of food tours. Found the world over, food tours let you explore a city, it’s culture and past, through its food. Gone are the days of the hop on, hop off city buses, or following a history tour wondering when it will be over so you can finally run off for lunch. Food tours are the perfect balance of history, food and fun!

Berlin Food TourBerlin Food Tour

Bite Berlin food tours guides you through local neighborhoods and allows you to taste the many culinary delights this great city has to offer. This food tour satisfies both the mind and the tummy! With a mix of traditional German classics and dishes to reflect the multicultural diversity of the city, these tours offer a unique way to discover Berlin.

One tour even teaches you how to cook it all yourself! We step beyond the humble bratwurst and get to know a city where cultures and cuisines come together to create a gastronomic adventure.

Berlin Food Tour

Bite Berlin is my way of sharing my love of food with all of you, taking like-minded food lovers to the hidden corners of Berlin to enjoy some of the most exciting food the city has to offer.

Quick fire with Bite Berlin

Sweet or savory?



Who would you invite to your dream dinner party?

Rick Stein, Jamie Oliver, Eva Peron and Julius Caesar


Starter or dessert?



Earliest food memory?

Two years old, feeling truly disgusted with the avocado my mother was trying to feed me. Perish the thought, today I am the biggest fan. All hail the avo-toast!


Best Berlin döner?

Imren grill on Fuldastraße, Neukölln.


Favourite Berlin food spots

Txokoa, Azzam, Selig.


Guilty pleasure?

Home made oven chips with ketchup/mayo in bed binge watching on netflixs.


Bite Berlin food tours are offered daily. Find out more information at

Visiting Berlin soon?

Berlin has so many wonderful places to visit and there is a MEININGER hotel at 6 of the hotspots. 6 Berlin Hotels: Right in the center near Alexanderplatz, at the East Side Gallery, at Central Station, Schönefeld airport and Tiergarten.

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