Sightseeing in Munich

Deutsches Museum

One of the largest science and technology collections in the world impressively demonstrates the forces of nature and how man has made use of them over the centuries. The museum shows the technological developments on the road, on the water, in the air and even in space. Old Fokker aircrafts hang from the ceiling, models and videos explain the modern space travel. The centerpiece of the museum is the “Starkstromraum” where it pops deafening three times a day when the forces of lightning and thunder are simulated.
Deutsches Museum, Museumsinsel 1, 80538 München

Deutsches Museum 1 Deutsches Museum 3



Nymphenburg Castle

You can experience Munich from a completely different perspective only a short tram ride away from downtown. In the extensive grounds of the castle and the castle park geese and swans quack and joggers use this quiet place to train. Within the old halls you find pompous chandeliers and elaborate wall paintings, visitors can stroll through the old reception rooms and bedrooms to see how the royal living was when Bavaria was still a monarchy until the end of the First World War.
Castle Nymphenburg, Schloss Nymphenburg 1, 80638 München

Schloss Nymphenburg 1




There is a good reason why the stadium of FC Bayern Munich is called the world’s largest inflatable boat: The white façade consists of 2,760 filled air cushions, which are responsible for the special look of the arena. A guided tour through the catacombs leaves no doubt that you are moving on grounds where football history is regularly written. From the impressive grandstand it leads through the press area into the heart: the cabin of this world club, decorated entirely in red.
Allianz Arena, Werner-Heisenberg-Allee 25, 80939 München

Allianz-Arena 1 Allianz-Arena 4 - Eine irre Architektur

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