
Wirelane equips MEININGER Hotels with charging infrastructure

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Berlin in marts 2025
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Berlin and Munich, March 11, 2025 

MEININGER Hotels is equipping the first six locations in Germany with charging infrastructure. Through this comprehensive partnership, Wirelane enables MEININGER Hotels guests to conveniently and reliably charge their electric vehicles. The collaboration highlights the joint commitment to sustainable travel concepts. 

Travelers increasingly value eco-friendly offerings, prefer destinations that minimize their ecological footprint, and expect both technological innovations and sustainable amenities at hotels. Integrating electromobility into hotels plays a crucial role in this context. A well-developed charging infrastructure enhances the attractiveness of a travel destination. 

MEININGER Hotels operates a growing portfolio of 36 locations across Europe, including 15 in Germany, with a unique hybrid concept combining hotel and hostel elements. The installation of electric vehicle charging stations is another step in the company’s comprehensive sustainability strategy. This initial rollout will cover six locations, including Heidelberg, Hamburg, Frankfurt, and Munich. Silvia Gonzaga, Sustainability Manager at MEININGER Hotels, states: “Sustainability is embedded in our core business. We continuously improve our processes, products, and services with a focus on water and waste management, CO2 reduction, diversity, and inclusion. We are therefore very pleased to offer our guests an additional sustainable service at selected locations where we have parking spaces or underground garages: charging their vehicles.” 

Wirelane is the leading provider of professional charging infrastructure for the hospitality industry. By partnering with MEININGER Hotels, the Munich-based company continues its growth trajectory in the hotel sector. “We have become the market leader in the hospitality industry when it comes to comprehensive charging infrastructure for e-mobility. This is the result of seven years of dedicated work, during which we have gained a deep understanding of our hotel customers’ needs and developed perfectly tailored products,” explains Hakan Ardic, Vice President Hospitality & Mobility at Wirelane. Particularly in demand is the “Charging as a Service” product, which is especially popular in chain hotels. “‘Charging as a Service’ allows hotel operators to offer modern charging infrastructure without upfront investment costs while also participating in the operation of the charging stations,” says Ardic. 



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