Centro Assistenza
MEININGER Hotel management team working on a laptop, analyzing reports and planning

Incontra i nostri leader

Il management team di MEININGER Hotels

  2. Management

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I volti dietro a MEININGER Hotels

Il nostro team di leadership è più di un semplice gruppo gestionale - sono le guide del nostro viaggio e i navigatori di esperienze fantastiche.

Perché li chiamiamo guide, ti starai chiedendo? Perché ci conducono lontano dall'ordinario, tracciando la rotta verso il trionfo. Le nostre sedi a Berlino e Milano sono il fulcro dove i nostri grandi team si riuniscono per pianificare il successo dei nostri hotel. Qui accade tutto: il pensiero, la pianificazione, la sperimentazione e l'azione!

Coloro che prendono le decisioni
Portrait of Ajit Menon, MEININGER Hotels Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Ajit Menon

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

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Portrait of Thomas Hageman, MEININGER Hotels Chief Operating Officer (COO)
Thomas Hageman

Chief Operating Officer (COO)

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Portrait of Malin Wildmarc-Nilsson, MEININGER Hotels Vice President of Commerce
Malin Wildmarc-Nilsson

Vice President of Commerce

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Portrait of Vivian Schneider, MEININGER Hotels Vice President Finance
Vivian Schneider

Vice President Finance

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Portrait of Nicolas Capelle, MEININGER Hotels Vice President Development & Asset Management
Nicolas Capelle

Vice President Development & Asset Management

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Portrait of Rick Medford, MEININGER Hotels Vice President Change Management & Technology
Rick Medford

Vice President Change Management & Technology

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La nostra offerta

Scopri i nostri fantastici hotel dove creiamo esperienze straordinarie solo per te

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Camera representing MEININGER Hotel’s global portfolio, perfect for travelers worldwide
Exterior view of MEININGER Hotel showcasing its modern design and vibrant branding

La nostra azienda

Il nostro viaggio è all'insegna dello spirito di squadra, dell'innovazione e della creatività

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La nostra espansione

Nati a Berlino, ora una comunità globale. Scopri dove stiamo per atterrare!

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Map and luggage symbolizing MEININGER Hotel’s global expansion and presence
Person using a tablet, symbolizing MEININGER Hotel’s press and digital presence


Leggi i nostri comunicati stampa e la copertura mediatica per le ultime novità su MEININGER Hotels

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La tua carriera

Lavora con noi, non per noi

Step in & explore
Green cubes representing the career opportunities at MEININGER Hotels

Seguici su

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Want more vacation days without using extra leave? 🇩🇪 Plan your trips smarter with
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Whether you’re traveling with your kids, parents, or even your grandparents, we’ve got you
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Dancing ‘til sunrise with @meininger_hotels 👇🏽 Blurry group selfies you’ll cringe at
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2025 is here! 🎶 What concerts are on your bucket list this year — and where are you planning to
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New year = new old me 🏂⛷️ Plan ahead & save with @meininger_hotels! #Travelgram #Travelling
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Happy New Year, everyone! 🎉 Thank you for being with us in 2024 — it’s been an amazing
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Family holidays 🥐 #Paris #ParisFrance #ParisVibes @bemvindosabordo
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