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MEININGER hotels appoints Robert Seeley as UK Head of Development
marca 2015

MEININGER hotels appoints Robert Seeley as UK Head of Development

Robert’s appointment will help MEININGER’s deliver its objective of establishing a presence in all key cities in the UK including London, Manchester and Edinburgh.

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MEININGER hotels appoints Patrick Sanville as Head of Development in France
marca 2015

MEININGER hotels appoints Patrick Sanville as Head of Development in France

Patrick’s appointment will help MEININGER deliver its objective of establishing a presence in all key French cities, including Paris, Marseille, Lyon, Strasbourg and Nice.

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MEININGER Hotels is coming to France
lutego 2015

MEININGER Hotels is coming to France

The city of Paris and Cox & Kings owned MEININGER Hotels, have signed an agreement for the first MEININGER hotel in Paris near Porte des Vincennes.

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Foncière des Régions and MEININGER Hotels agree a strategic investment partnership to support the MEININGER brand expansion across the leading cities in Europe
grudnia 2014

Foncière des Régions and MEININGER Hotels agree a strategic investment partnership to support the MEININGER brand expansion across the leading cities in Europe

MEININGER Holding GmbH (“MEININGER”) and Foncière des Régions, through its subsidiary Foncière des Murs, announced today that they have formed a commercial partnership in respect of the sourcing by MEININGER and acquisition by Foncière des Régions of hotel property investment opportunities primarily in European gateway cities, to be leased to and managed by MEININGER under the "MEININGER" brand.

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Portrait of Pia Berghofer, MEININGER Hotels Head of PR & Communications

Pia Berghoefer

Szef PR i Komunikacji

Obentrautstrasse 72, 10963 Berlin, Germany +49 (0)162 104 10 63
[Translate to Polish:]

Josephine Odendahl

Menedżer ds. PR i komunikacji korporacyjnej

Obentrautstrasse 72, 10963 Berlin, Germany +49 172 89 54 495
Portrait of Anett Wittmann from Team Lewis, the MEININGER Hotels press partner

Anett Wittmann


Karlstraße 64 80335 Munich, Germany +49 (0) 89 17 30 19 06

Nasze portfolio

Odkryj nasze fantastyczne hotele, gdzie tworzymy niesamowite doświadczenia specjalnie dla Ciebie

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Camera representing MEININGER Hotel’s global portfolio, perfect for travelers worldwide
Celebration toast at MEININGER Hotel event, highlighting leaders’ presentation and teamwork

Poznaj naszych liderów

Odkryj ludzi stojących za MEININGER Hotels

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Nasza ekspansja

Urodziliśmy się w Berlinie, teraz jesteśmy globalną społecznością. Sprawdź, gdzie będziemy następni!

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Map and luggage symbolizing MEININGER Hotel’s global expansion and presence
Exterior view of MEININGER Hotel showcasing its modern design and vibrant branding

Nasza firma

W naszej podróży chodzi o ducha zespołu, innowacyjność i kreatywność

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Green cubes representing the career opportunities at MEININGER Hotels

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Dreaming of an Italian getaway? 🇮🇹 Or planning your time off if you live in Italy? Knowing
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@itbberlin #ᴘʜᴏᴛᴏᴅᴜᴍᴘ ❤️ Thanks for having us! #itb #itbberlin
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Our genuine reaction when someone questions travelling 🧐 😠 #oscars2025 #travelling
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Planning your next adventure in France? 🇫🇷 Or looking to make the most of your time off if you
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That’s how our 📍 @meininger_hotels celebrated the Venice Carnival! 🎭 Were you part of the
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*sniffs* 🐾 Hallo hooman! Are you sniffing around for a Valentine’s Day discount on your next
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Want more vacation days without using extra leave? 🇩🇪 Plan your trips smarter with
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Eat first, sightsee later 🍝
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Whether you’re traveling with your kids, parents, or even your grandparents, we’ve got you
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